佐藤壮馬. おもかげのうつろひ(2023)

Soma Sato. Transient Traces (2023)

佐藤壮馬/Soma Sato



東京、ロンドンでの活動を経て、現在は札幌を拠点に活動。近年の主な活動に、第23回文化庁メディア芸術祭アート部門審査委員会推薦作品(2020)、「Artists’ Fair Kyoto 2021」(京都新聞ビル地下1階)、KyotoSteam2022(京都市京セラ美術館)、第16回shiseido art egg(2023, 資生堂ギャラリー)などがある。

Born in Hokkaido in 1985. Sato investigates the relationships between objects , images, and the indiscernible and inescapable things inherent in individuals and society, working across disciplines in photography, moving image, sculpture, installation. 

After developing a practice in Tokyo and London, he is now based in Sapporo.  Recent exhibitions include the 23rd Japan Media Arts Festival (2020) where his work was a Jury Selection in the Art Division, Artists’ Fair Kyoto 2021, KyotoSteam2022 (Kyocera Museum of Art, Kyoto), and the 16th shiseido art egg (Shiseido gallery, 2023).






To what extent do we see things subjectively—or objectively—in the present, where the future and the past merge? How is this subjectivity understood in our world and how is it situated in the present? I explore the relationship between the indiscernible and inescapable things that are inherent in an ever-shifting individual and society. 

In retrospect, I have been searching for something that is not there—something that is born from the relationship between one’s homeland and one’s identity. I’m moved by the disparity between one’s racially, historically, and culturally inherited circumstances and one’s sense of belonging to a particular society as an individual. Memories and perceptions that constellate beyond the self-reflective ego dissolve, and spirituality permeates space and matter.

My father’s film camera was the first tool I received as a means of describing the little stories that moved between my inner and outer worlds. This technology allowed me to draw closer to the uncertain phenomena that I encountered (such as unidentifiable forces, presences, and currents), and I grew comfortable with it as a way to express my inner thoughts and conflicts that can’t be represented directly, without separating them from the physical act of photographing.

An encounter with something indeterminate, beyond the conceptual and knowable, is objectified and enveloped in existing perspectives and values. Therein lies the dilemma: objectivity is not possible from the standpoint of modern man. There is a contradiction between the belief in rationality and objectivity and the subjectivity of an individual or group inhabiting the perceivable world. In the midst of the ever-shifting chaos, in a place where conflict remains indefinite, there exists a “self” that is separate from my “self.”

翻訳:Art Translators Collective(内山もにか/田村かのこ)


  • 佐藤壮馬. おもかげのうつろひ(2023) Soma Sato. Transient Traces (2023)

  • 佐藤壮馬. おもかげのうつろひ(2023) Soma Sato. Transient Traces (2023)

  • 佐藤壮馬. おもかげのうつろひ(2023) Soma Sato. Transient Traces (2023)


